All-in-one membership software

Stripe payments, authentication, CRM, email—it's all here. Outseta gives founders the tools to monetize their website, SaaS product, or online community in minutes.

Embed small links, buttons, or entire pages to build a membership platform in just a few clicks.



  • Outseta

    Include basic links as buttons or text to your Outseta admin. Once clicked, these links provide your users direct access to your membership area. The content is built as a slot, so you can add any element to it to design your own button. The package comes with a default style.


    outsetaname Insert the name you chose in Outseta.
    planuid (Optional field) If you want people to sign up for a specific plan you can create a link to that plan by entering the plan id. 
    profile-page (Required field) If you wish to link to a customer's profile page then you can select the boolean true, otherwise false.
    text Add text to your button if you use the default layout.
    widget-mode (Not needed for profile pages) Control which module you want to show. You can choose either login or register.
  • Outseta page embeds

    Include basic links as buttons or text to your Outseta admin. Once clicked, these links provide your users direct access to your membership area. The content is built as a slot, so you can add any element to it to design your own button. The package comes with a default style.


    id (Required) Choose either signup, login, or profile, based on which module you'd like to load.
    load (Required) Select auth for login and signup. Select profile to load the profile page. 
    outsetaname (Required) Insert the name from your Outseta account.
    planfamilyuid (Optional) Insert a specific plan id to show only information relevant to that id.
    skipfamilyuid (Required) Enter the boolean true or false to skip or include the plan id.
  • Outseta logout

    This is a basic logout button with a link to logout.


    logout_redirect (Required) Insert the URL you wish to redirect to after a user logs out.
    text (Required) Enter the text you want in your button.


  • Setup guide

    This package requires some setup in Outseta. Please follow these steps to get up and running in the best way possible. 

    1. Step 1: Sign up to Outseta and get your Outseta name.
    2. Step 2: Install the Outseta package in toddle.
    3. Step 3: Create a page for signup, login, and profile. Insert the component 'Outseta page embeds' to each and configure them.
    4. Step 4: Set up a URL redirect in Outseta that links to the page with profile information
    This is an overview of the items you need to setup in Outseta to get your toddle package to work.

    That's it! You should now have a working membership platform.